Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

Uncle Mckie received his call to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and will serve in the Mexico City East Mission! We are so excited for him, but sad at the same time. We will miss having him around! He leaves August 6th. After he opened the letter, Mckay started realizing that he was going to be leaving soon, and Mckay truly loves his uncle Mckie. Mckay went up to Mckie and asked if he could go with him on his mission! Thank heavens he can't yet! I always said that I didn't want to ever have boys and have to send them on a mission. That was after sending a boyfriend off! So, hopefully in 14 years, we will be sending off our first missionary and I am sure that day will come before we know it. I admire my mother in law for sending off 6 boys, and this is #7! We love you Mckie and are excited for you to serve the Lord.


Heidi said...

That is so cool! I agree with the fear of sending a son off to a mission, its a crazy world. I would rather send him on a mission than to war though. I was reading an article about Pres. Hunckley, and he said that a day didn't go by that he wasn't blessed by his mission. Congrats Mckie!

Tammy said...

Wow that day is coming all to fast for me. To send a son on a mission. I get melancholy about it already. Nick has a little over a year now until its his turn. (I think Heavenly Father is protecting him from the girls with mono ha ha) My friends grandson just got his call to Mexico City too. I'll have to get his name and maybe they will meet in this small world we live in. Love you!!