Sunday, May 20, 2012

Memorial Day

 We visited my Grandpa Bradley's Grave at Camp Williams on Memorial Day.  We haven't ever taken the kids there, even though we drive by it almost every day.  It was good to take the kids and remember my Grandpa. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Send OFF

Nate got me some balloons for my birthday and Nick couldn't resist a good send off.  He attached a note with his picture and sent it off in hopes of someone getting it and responding.  It's been 2 months now.  I guess nobody got it.  Unless it went to Heaven of course.  Which is probably pretty likely with that many balloons!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hanging with the Cousins

 Natalie and Callie love playing with each other.  Every time we go to California, these two find that they have matching outfits.  
 Cute Nori and Olivia

Cash man is 4 Months

I love this age.  4 months old is so perfect.  You are still a very happy baby.  You have a terrible rash on your face and we can't seem to find the right medicine to fix it.  You weigh 17 pounds 14oz (89%) and are 26.75 inches (92%) long.  Your head is still large!:  44.75cm (94%).

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Beach with Cousins

 Ryan and Whitney's Family came down to stay with us on the coast for a couple of nights.  We loved having cousins around to play with!
Nate tried Paddle Boarding and was great at it!  He asked some guy on the beach if he could use his board and the guy let him take it out.
 Olivia was so happy to be back on the beach.  
 Cute Juliette loved it too!
 The kids catching sand crabs.  

 Liv kept getting the buckets with the crabs and getting in trouble from the boys!

 Daddy took Liv out in the water and she couldn't stop laughing.  She loved playing way out while "daddy hold me tight!"  

The Beach Day 1

 We love exploring at Crystal Cove.  
 Olivia loved playing in the sand.  She was pretty protective of her sand buckets and didn't want anyone else to touch them.  

 The boys love looking for all the creatures on the rocks and in the sand.  

 We walked up to Ruby's for dinner.  YUMM!

 I love seeing Nate with Cash in the carrier.  He is such a good daddy!


We had another fun trip down to Newport Coast California.  We love it down there!  This time it was just our little family.  Nate drove down with the 3 big kids, and I flew with the babies.  I hated that we weren't together, but loved that it was so quick for the babies.  

 We had a bit of time at the airport before Nate picked us up.  Liv loved playing around and checking out her surroundings.  I love that whenever she puts on her sunglasses, she says "What's Up?"  
 The first day of the trip, Nate took Nat, Mckay, and Nick down to LegoLand.  But, it was closed!!  They aren't open everyday during the off season.  Lame!  Some nice Legoland worker let them go in and shop at the lego store.  They all go to buy a few things and then headed to the aquarium close by.  Not quite as cool, but it gave them time to hurry home and we headed to the beach! 

Going to Work with Dad

The kids love to go to work with dad. They used to go in hopes of seeing the dinosaurs or trolls that were always at dad's work.  (I think those stories aren't believed anymore!) 
 It was easy for Nat to go this year being in Kindergarten.  One of their favorite things to do is drawing on the white board.  
 Nat drew a whole story along all the boards.  
 Looks like the story was about gymnastics, swimming, and flying on an airplane.  

Monday, May 7, 2012


If you Believe then just stand up on your feet,
and shout it loud REAL
Here at the RIOT the battle hymns begun
 We're here for RSL!
Growing up my dad used to take us kids to BYU football games and I have so many fun memories of going with him.  We bought tickets to REAL soccer games this year and it has been so much fun.  We have all learned the Chant, even Olivia, and love to drive down the road blasting it in the car.  It is kind of fun to see Nate get into sports.  He loves watching the games too!