Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day

 I loved going to church on Christmas Day.  It was the perfect thing to do on the day we celebrate Christ's birthday!  It was nice that church wasn't until 1:00. 
Olivia and her Elf!  She loves this elf G&G made her at the elf party.  She also has a 'great' cheese smile for the camera! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Morning

The kids waiting to go downstairs Christmas morning.  It always takes way longer than they want!
Olivia got a new playhouse and slide!  She loved it, but is a little protective of it!
Natalie and Mckay opening the craft kits.  We put together craft kits for all the kids to share. 
Mckay was so happy with his BYU shirt- hugging dad to say thanks!

We were lucky enough to have Sam and Shauna spend Christmas morning with us.  (They also happen to come Christmas Eve and help with final preparations way into the early morning hours. Not sure how we could do it without them!) They have for the last few years, and it just seems natural to have them here with us!  Olivia was happy to have someone to read Elmo to her!

The boys were excited to get a few new Wii games and their electric scooters.  Natalie loved her American girl doll and the Daybed for her dolls.  It was a fun Christmas Morning. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Nativity

 The Traditional nativity at G&G Bradley's house.  Jenny and Derek were the narrators.  How would we do it with out them?!
 Olivia was a wandering sheep.
 Grandma made all the girls in the family aprons.  Olivia's happened to have a hat with it.  So cute! 

 Natalie was excited to get a new make up kit from Grandma and Grandpa. 
I missed a picture of the boys getting a new Wii game they were so excited about! 

Santa Clause Came to Town

 We had the annual Blair Family Christmas Party at a church this year.  I guess that is what happens when we keep producing more grandchildren!  Santa made his special visit and surprised all the kids with little gifts.  Everybody was excited....
 except Olivia. 
 I had been talking about Santa since the beginning of December, trying to get her excited to meet him!  We talked about how nice he was and how he gives you treats!  But, it still didn't work. 
 She didn't want anything to do with him.  Natalie was happy to tell him she wanted an American Girl Doll.  A real one this year. 
 But she was happy with the treat she got!

 Mckay wants a Motor Scooter.  That's all.  
And Nick let him know he wanted a new DSi.  I think this was a last minute decision!!  He originally wanted Squeenkys and a soft pillow. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Temple Square

 We finally took the kids downtown to see the lights.  We have Never done this before!  I always have intentions of doing it every year, but then talk myself out of it.  It was actually fun!  We didn't freeze too bad and the night we went wasn't too crowded.
 We packed some Hot chocolate to keep us warm!
 Olivia loved seeing the "big Jesus" as she called Him.  She wanted him to hold her and wasn't very happy that he couldn't! 

My Bow!

Olivia was so funny about nursery last week.  She wanted her 'bow' and couldn't think about anything else.  I had it in my bag with me in Primary, so Nate had to come get it from me.  I'm glad Nate snapped a nursery picture for me.  It is a rather big headband and I am surprised she really wanted to wear it- I think because cute little Sophie had a headband on and she loves Sophie!

A Simple Box

Once again, a box was some great entertainment for these two.  I love how winter time brings out some great creativity when they are stuck inside to play.  The past few days they have been "swimming" in the basement with blankets and beanbags.

Elf Party

 Grandma and Grandpa Delahunty had an awesome Elf party/SLEEPOVER for all the grandkids.  They were decked out in full Elf Attire.  The kids were counting down the days until the party and had a great time.  Olivia was a little freaked out by Grandpa's hair- he normally doesn't have any!!  We decided to keep her with us, but the rest of the kids had a great time. 

They made these cute little elves like all the boys had growing up.  
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


 We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at my parent's house.  The whole family was together this year.
It was so fun to have everyone there!  The table stretched from one end of the room to the other!

Mckay and Eli getting ready to feast.  Mckay let us know that he is grateful for electricity and the sun!

 Nick and Ty  These two have become best buddies over the last year.  I am so happy the kids get to see their cousins so often and be such good friends!This is something I am extremely grateful for.  To live so close to our families and to have such great examples in the lives of my children.  

Houston, Ally, and Emma

 Natalie and Daddy

Olivia found one thing she liked- the fruit salad!

After we cooked, ate, talked about what we are each grateful for,  and cleaned up, we all were exhausted of course.  I love that Liv loves her daddy.  They had a nice little nap together!

Thanksgiving Bowling

 Our yearly tradition of bowling on Thanksgiving night!  I think it has been a whole year since the last time we went bowling.  It was fun and I think we need to go more often.  
 Olivia wasn't all smiles the whole night, but I think she must have just gotten a piece of candy just before I snapped the picture!  I did take her to the doctor the next day and she had an ear infection.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hair and Make-Up

 Olivia loves to play dress up already, and I guess she loves to put make up on too!  I was working on Primary stuff this morning and she found a way to entertain herself in my bathroom.  Maybe she has watched me get ready for the day quite a few times!  Isn't she a little young to start this already?  I love how it all made it to her eyes!  And she was so proud of herself too!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Nick

 Nick turned 9 years old today!  Happy Birthday to the child who made me a mother.  
I have learned so much from and continue to learn everyday.  You are a great big brother and a great example to your younger brother and sisters!  Thanks for being you!  Nick was up at 5:55 this morning, anxious to open presents!  And that was before the time change tonight!!  We made him wait until 7:30, and that was rough on him. 

We had a fun party today for both boys at Gymcats.  Natalie takes Gymnastics there and the boys have been anxious to get out on the floor and be able to play like she does.  We invited some friends for each of them and it was perfect!  We didn't have 15 boys running around our house and they played non stop for the entire party. 
The birthday boys! 
 Mason, Logan, and Tyler
 The whole crew in the pit
 Nat loved showing us her skills!
 Andrew after diving into the pit
 Sam, after trying to throw some blocks at the picture taker!


 and Liv loved every minute of it too!