Sunday, February 26, 2012

Snow Day

 We finally had a good snow day with the kids home on President's Day.  Olivia was so excited to go out and play with the 'big kids.'  Nick and Natalie were so nice to help her explore the snow!  She lasted about 10 minutes, then was a little too cold.  Nick taught her to eat the snow! So, now every time she sees snow, she eats it.  Hopefully she doesn't find any yellow snow!

Playing Dress-Ups

Nat came in to see me while I was feeding Cash looking like this!  Peace Out Chick!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Natalie!

 The day started out with breakfast in bed!  Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipping cream!
 She then opened presents! 
 She was so excited to get the walking puppy she wanted.  I have to say it is the perfect new dog for the family!  We miss Chewy, but this one is much easier!
 She also got a new horse for her dolls. 
 Olivia was very excited about the new dog and taking him on a walk. 
Happy Birthday Natalie!  I am so grateful for you.  You are such a sweet girl and I can't believe it has been six years since you were this little..
At 6 years old:
You still love Mac and Cheese and Top Ramen and usually don't like what I make for dinner!
You are getting so good at Gymnastics... You can do a round-off double back handspring and you almost have your front walkover.
You have so many little friends at school and you are nice to everybody.
You would love to be playing with your friends from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed!
You are a great reader and love school.
You like cleaning bathrooms!  (I hope this lasts!)
You love your American Girl dolls.
You are so helpful with Cash and love to hold him.
You come in to my room at night and sleep on the floor next to me almost every night.  You are usually so quiet and don't even wake me when you come in!
You are great at fixing your hair into a pony tail which is great when I have a tired morning!
You are learning the piano quickly and I love to hear you play your songs each morning when you practice!

Whoa... I had blonde hair when you were born!  I remember when I went dark, you didn't want to come to me!

Ear Piercing!

 For Natalie's Birthday, she wanted to get her ears pierced.  I always thought she should wait until she was 8, like I did, but she wanted it so bad.  I realized it didn't really matter to me when she got them pierced, so we went for it!  The boys wanted to be there too. So, we went after school got out.  
She was so excited before it all began!  She said she wasn't really nervous.  She picked out some pink studs. 
 After both ears were done, the tears came!  She was so brave and held perfectly still while it happened.  Grandma came to watch too. 

Way to go Natalie!  They look so pretty. 
We celebrate the night at Cheesecake Factory afterwards!

Sunday Fun

Having church at 9:00 makes for some long Sunday afternoons!  I generally love it and it's fun to see the kids be a little more creative while they play.  These 3 made a bed at the bottom of the stairs.  Stairs always provide some good fun!  If only playtime could be more of a quiet time, then I might get a Sunday afternoon nap!! (notice the wall behind their heads... I think most of those dents are from some little ones heads!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Blue and Gold

 Nick earned his Religious Knot and received it at the Blue and Gold Banquet.  He also was awarded his Wolf, a few belt loops, and his arrow points!  Way to go Nick!!

(They painted his face in the ceremony to receive his Wolf)


I had to snap some these pics of Olivia wearing her FAVORITE shoes, sitting on HER bench, and wearing a HAT.  I love that her shoes are the only leftover princess shoes from Natalie that haven't been lost and she has got some talent running around in heels!  The bench, she considers hers and doesn't like when anyone else tries touching it.  Her Scream is pretty LOUD!!  And she loves wearing the hat, which I like too because it is pretty dang cute! 

This face is her classic 'smile' face when I am snapping pictures.  She looks a little evil though in this one!  Check out her awesome dimples- the chin and the cheeks. 

4 Weeks Old

I can't believe he is 4 weeks already!  It has all been a blur!!
Olivia wanted her picture taken too!

Happy Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jumping in The Rain

 These two told me the other day that they love playing with each other!  I love nothing more than when they are happily playing with each other.  I am loving this winter weather too.  Our park grass is pretty ugly with out the snow, but I am loving the 50 degrees in the middle of February!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

100 Day

For 100 Days of School this year, Natalie's class made shirts.  They had to put on 100 of whatever they wanted.  Nat did a cute butterfly, with her dad's help!  Happy 100 days of kindergarten!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Steve Jobs

 Nick had to choose an important person from our history to do a report on for school.  He chose Steve Jobs.  They had to pretend to be in a wax museum when we all came to see them. It was interesting to learn more about him and his life.  He had an interesting past and we had to be careful what we let Nick read out of the book.  He was very clever though and Nick loved telling us all the pranks he pulled in school.  Hopefully he will not be a copy cat in those areas!


I am grateful babies are so sleepy for the first few weeks of life.  But I love when Cash is awake and I get to see his eyes.  He is so adorable.  I also love that he has a bit of hair.  The other boys were bald for a quite a while. 

First Bath

Cash loved his first bath at home. They did his first bath at the hospital in the nursery and we didn't get to see it!  So, this was the first for us to see.  He did like getting out and getting dressed, but while in the water, he was happy!


I am in love with this little guy!

Pinewood Derby

 The day after Cash was born was the Pinewood Derby.  In fact, one reason we didn't go to the hospital sooner was because Nate had to work on the car!  He got most of it done, but then asked a neighbor to help finish it up. 
He came home and took the kids to the Derby. 
 The 'Orange Bullet'  was not a winner this year, but they had a fun night anyways. 

First Family Photo

Grandma Linda watched the kids for us while we had little Cash and brought them over the next morning to meet their new baby brother.  Olivia wasn't so sure of the whole thing.  She wanted me to just hold her!  She has been fine with him now that we are home, and loves to give him kisses every chance she gets. 

 Mckay was more interested in all the 'things' around the room like the phone, the controls for my bed and all the monitors.  Anything that had a button to push! 
 Nick held Cash for a minute, but then wanted to play a game on the phone!

 Thanks Grandma for helping with the kids!  She even braved a movie with all 4 of them!