Grandma Linda watched the kids for us while we had little Cash and brought them over the next morning to meet their new baby brother. Olivia wasn't so sure of the whole thing. She wanted me to just hold her! She has been fine with him now that we are home, and loves to give him kisses every chance she gets.
Mckay was more interested in all the 'things' around the room like the phone, the controls for my bed and all the monitors. Anything that had a button to push!
Nick held Cash for a minute, but then wanted to play a game on the phone!
Thanks Grandma for helping with the kids! She even braved a movie with all 4 of them!
I love seeing a picture of your WHOLE family!! Can you believe you have 5 kids?!?! They are all seriously adorable and love the pics of the bigger kids holding cute little Cash!! :)
Nat reminds me of BAiley in this picture!
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