Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Morning

The kids waiting to go downstairs Christmas morning.  It always takes way longer than they want!
Olivia got a new playhouse and slide!  She loved it, but is a little protective of it!
Natalie and Mckay opening the craft kits.  We put together craft kits for all the kids to share. 
Mckay was so happy with his BYU shirt- hugging dad to say thanks!

We were lucky enough to have Sam and Shauna spend Christmas morning with us.  (They also happen to come Christmas Eve and help with final preparations way into the early morning hours. Not sure how we could do it without them!) They have for the last few years, and it just seems natural to have them here with us!  Olivia was happy to have someone to read Elmo to her!

The boys were excited to get a few new Wii games and their electric scooters.  Natalie loved her American girl doll and the Daybed for her dolls.  It was a fun Christmas Morning. 

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