Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nat's New Bed

I always planned on keeping Natalie in a crib for as long as possible. I have had my babies so close together before, that they were always out of it and into a big girl bed before they turned 2! So, I thought for sure Nat would be in it at least until 3- since no babies are coming to kick her out! But, the crib broke the other day, and now- she is in her big girl bed (same crib, broken gate!). Luckily, she has been so good. She stays in it, and loves it. I love that when she calls me to come get her in the morning, I quickly remind her that she can just come get me instead. Maybe it is meant to be that I can have another baby now that she doesn't need a crib, but I guess in my head, it still is not time! I am loving having a little girl still though. She is starting to love wearing her new Hawaii necklace that G&G gave her. She is starting to request things to be PINK! She loves to do her little shake it shake it dance, and likes to have pigtails! I wonder how much of it is me wearing off on her, and how much is her just being a little girl? I love it either way!!
(Sorry about it being sideways! I am still working on figuring this part out!)


Fackrell Fam said...

My favorite part about that cute video was your foot pushing her up onto the bed! SO cute! I can see Natalie and Sunny being good friends someday!

Matt and Shari Bailey said...

She is such a doll!

THE DRAKE's said...
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Lindz said...

What a big girl! I can't believe that you actually get her to stay in there! You'll have to share your secrets with me so I can use them on Ayden! Natalie is such a cutie!!

Kassie said...

So cute!!

Camille said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. She is SO Freakin' adorable!

Cherish said...

That is a major accomplishment to have her stay in her bed. Lucky you! She is the cutest little girl. Shes got the moves too!

Melissa said...

She is adorable!!! Big girl bed in a not so big way...it works!

I had the most beautiful nursery waiting for Nathanael, he never once slept in his crib. I nursed longer than expected, so he was in a co-sleeper forever and then I redecorated his room at age two. He has been sleeping in a twin bed ever since.

Ps. Katie I love my blog layout for Valentines. Thanks for working with such funky photos!! Now I need to change the font color. Thank you!

Elena said...

What a cutie! I bet you are having so much fun. One day I'll be there with you. By the way, come on over to get Evita. I just watched it and I LOVE it. Hope Nate likes it.

Brooke said...

Hey Kate! Long time, no see! Hope you are all doing well... and it looks like I need to put you to work vamping our blog. ;0)
Way to go to Natalie for sleeping in her big girl bed. Big milestone!

TC Jolley said...


Anonymous said...

Our babies grow up too fast! She is so lucky to have you as her mommy. She ALWAYS looks adorable. I loved her hair at church today!

Breezy said...

She's adorable! And growing so fast! Aiden is 3 now and I am finally facing the fact that IT IS TIME for a bed! :) Plus we are going to have a baby that needs the crib in September! We are bed shopping this weekend :)