Monday, September 17, 2007

Little Shop of Horrors!

WOW! We have the coolest new plant in our home. Right out of Little Shop of Horrors. Okay- not quite human eating, but fly and other small creature eating! The Venus Fly Trap. Yes! It really does eat FLIES. It is amazing. We have had so many flies buzzing around our house this last month. We are all very familiar with the song "Shew fly don't bother me!" Oh the JOYS of summer. I know in a few months when the flies are all FROZEN, I will be missing them! Now, we have left the door open on purpose a couple of times just so a fly will come inside and we can feed it to our plant. The plant SNAPS down on the fly the second it lands on it. It all sounds a little outerspace-ish that a plant can eat something living. It really is amazing!


troy & bec said...

Ooooh! Now you know what I want for my birthday! That is disgusting!

Jacy said...

I had no idea such a plant existed! I want one!

TC Jolley said...

I could use one year-round here! I want one too!

Jacy said...

p.s. I love the new look of your blog!

Kassie said...

Hi Katie,

i love the new blog arrangement!
