Friday, November 19, 2010

Out with The Old...

   and in with the new. 
 It was time. 
Well, past time really.  We were down to 5 plates, 2 glasses,
 and 1 bowl.  My friend told me about these dishes that were on sale, and since I have a hard time passing up a good sale, off I went to Kohls to purchase some Fiesta ware! 50% off, plus another 
30%.   I am so excited to have 12 sets of dishes.  Now I can have people over for dinner.  Anyone want to come? 
It actually makes it kind of fun to do dishes when the sink looks so colorful.  Puting dishes away in the cupboards is fun too!


britta said...

I want to come!

Amanda said...

McKay was so excited about this- he told us "You'll never believe it. We got all new dishes. They're awesome!" They look cute!

Lindsey @ Scarlett James Design said...

O and I want to come to dinner too!!

Nielson said...

I LOVE fiesta ware! How fun--next time you get a deal like that, you need to call me! I have a love affair with dishes... :)