Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Going to "real" School!

It is hard to believe I finally have a child in kindergarten. Nick started going to "real" school on Monday, and is loving every minute of it. It is such a weird thing to have him go every day, even though it is for such a short time. Whatever happened to kindergarten being at least 4 hours? It is weird to be so scheduled every day and not be able to just go and do whatever fun activity we want each day.

Nick told me today that he never new kindergarten would be so much fun! I am sure it is because he gets a snack each day. That really is the first thing he tells me about when he gets in the car! It is pretty much all he remembers too! Hopefully this year will be a great experience for him and prep him for the "real" school that is to come- going all day next year! I think that is when I will really miss my little Nick-o! It is kind of sad to think of my little buddy growing up and I don't get to be with him all day every day! Sad- but I am definitely looking forward to it!


Elena said...

Kindergarten is SOOO short. Before this school was built I could at least count on 20 minutes of bus rides to and from. We're the early schedule so we're done by 10 something every day. Nick's a cute one.

Naoma said...

It is bittersweet watching your kids grow up... Glad that he had a good time at kindergarten! Good snack time makes it all worth it.. =) Personally I think that it will be harder for me than Tommy when it is his time to go to school! You are such a good mom.

rachel said...

I think Brady was pretty suprised about the snack, since he didn't get one in preschool...that is pretty much all he tells me about too... it must be a boy thing!

Cherish said...

It is weird to have to schedule around school again. I think Nick and Alyssa are in the same class? So, if you ever need me to take him or pick him up from school for you let me know.

Cherish said...

It is weird to have to schedule around school again. I think Nick and Alyssa are in the same class? So, if you ever need me to take him or pick him up from school for you let me know.

Cherish said...
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The Kohler Family said...

I wish kindergarden was just a little seems like once I drop her off, its time to turn around and pick her back up! Oh..Nick and Mya are in the same class!

Nielson said...

wow--I don't think I ever got a snack! Sounds like fun to me!

Charvanv said...

I try to see him every day at school.