Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Tramp!

We finally splurged and bought a trampoline! I have been wanting to get one for a long time and Nate came home with it last weekend. SURPRISE! He couldn't just go get the Walmart special either, it had to be this "cool" one he saw in someone's backyard. It is fun and the kids are loving it. We have used the neighbors trampoline almost everyday this summer, so the more they come use ours now, the better I feel about all the use their's got! Don't worry, yesterday, Nick still went ant used the neighbors! I guess some habits are hard to break. I took these pictures before the net was up- you can see Mckay wrapped up in it being a MONSTER!


Jacy said...

Love it! It does look cool... and it looks like it would be safer since the spring aren't right around the edge for the kids to land on. Good job Nate!

Ashley K. said...

Too cool! Wish I had room in my back yard for a tramp!