Sunday, December 21, 2008

Waffles and Santa

We had a big family party the Saturday morning before Christmas. It was fun to see all the cousins and I wish we got together more often! Uncle Devon made yummy waffles for everybody. I think he was baking for at least 2 hours straight! THANKS! Then surprise- Santa showed up! All the kids took turns on his knee and Nick let him know that he wanted a Nintendo DS for Christmas! That was news to us! I am thinking we need to move this party up a few weeks next year! Mckay wanted an indoor Trampoline! Hmmm, interesting!
and Natalie wanted a pink Barbie Doll and a kitchen. We also got proof that Santa is not Grandpa!


Lindz said... are on a roll!! Keep em coming Katie!! =) All the kids look so cute with did they all end up getting what they asked for??

Marci said...

I love the surprise gifts they want when they actually get on Santas lap. Both Andrew and Jacob asked for completely different things. Not even close to the things they had told us they wanted to ask for. Why do they do that?

The Kohler Family said...

Mya wanted a DS this year too! But Santa made us all happy and brought us a WII instead, ;)

Kate said...

Nick didn't get a DS! Maybe next year. I think Santa figured new Leapster games was enough for games this year! The other one's got what they wanted though. Oh well!