Friday, December 12, 2008

Eating the Neighbor's Neighbor Gifts

This afternoon, Mckay went across the street to play with a friend. A few minutes later he came back with a mouth full of something chocolate. I asked him what he was eating. He told me that Cara wasn't home, but that she left a plate of chocolate on her porch with a note that said "For Mckay." Yea right!! Sorry Anne- you are now missing one of your goodies that was left for you. Mckay did say he went back and apologized, you just weren't there to hear him! So, I guess my neighbors don't have to worry about stray animals taking there goodies, just little Mckays! I couldn't help but to laugh!


Heidi said...

That is so funny. Good idea Mckay, I am going to have to try it;) Free treats!!!

Breezy said...

Oh my gosh that is hilarious!!!!!!!! Thank you for the laugh McKay :) I love your picture in your new banner SO cute. Where did you find Natalie's outfit? (the polkadot skirt)

Lindz said...

How cute!! I love that he made up what the note said and then went back to say sorry!! He is adorable!! =)

Elisabeth said...

Awww Mckay lol! I mean a plate of chocolates I would of taken a nibble to.

britta said...

So Cute!!!


That is hysterical! He must have thought he struck gold!

Kirsti said...

That's my kind of kid. McKay - invite me to go steal treats with you next time!

Jacy said...

Oh my word, that is awesome! I can't even stand how hilarious that is!!!! What a cutie that little guy is!