Warning: If you see a lady running on the trail with 2 loose little dogs- be very afraid!!
This morning while I was out running, enjoying the sun coming up over the mountains, along came a lady and her dogs! They were little dogs, and not on a leash. I just kept going trying to ignore them as they came up to me yapping like crazy! The little white dog came up behind me and BIT ME on the back of my leg!! I stopped and couldn't believe it just did that. The lady came up and I said "Your dog just bit me!" She came and looked and said "I am so sorry. He has never done that before. Don't worry, he has had all of his shots!" I really didn't say much else and casually went on my way!! DUH!! What was I thinking? It totally hurt as I started walking, and decided to run home as fast as I could so the pain wouldn't last as long.
While I am running, I am thinking, should I go back and follow the lady? What if she was lying and he really hasn't had his shots? I don't have dogs and don't know- do most dogs get their shots for rabies or whatever other diseases they can spread? When I got home, and told Nate what happened, he was of course ticked that I didn't do anything about it! He was great and got out the hydrogen peroxide, and wiped up all the blood. He then got on his roller-blades- yes roller-blades, on went on a hunt for 'the lady with the dogs!' He is my 'Blading Super Hero!' He wanted to get her name and info, like I should have, and we could have reported it. He came back unsuccessful. He claims he is going to camp out on the trail for an hour every morning until she comes by! Yea Right!
Things I learned today!
I need to be better prepared for attacking dogs while running. Even if they are just little yapping dogs!
I need to be better at thinking on my feet when I am surprised attacked!
I don't want to get a dog!
Still not sure if I should go get a rabies shot??
And if I run into her tomorrow on the trail, do I stop and say something, just kick the dog, or pass on by like I don't know her- and be prepared to kick the dog if he comes near?
8 years ago
I don't know about the shot thing. However, if you see her on the trail again and her dogs are not on leashes I would suggest you call animal control. The trail has a leash law. Normally I wouldn't worry about a dog not being leashed, but since it bit you that is grounds for calling.
I hope your leg feels better soon.
Oh, my heck! Did Nate find the lady? Have you called your Dr-or Urgent Care to see what you should do? That is crazy.
Oh my gosh...you poor thing! I can't believe that happened & you were actually bleeding! I feel bad for what happened, but I have to say that I literally laughed out loud when you said that Nate got on his roller blades & went looking for the lady!! I hope you see the lady again tomorrow & I think you should kick her AND her dog in the face!!!
Wow! I have a little dog - but we take her out on a leash! How irresponsible. Tom had a similar thing happen in Texas - but it was a large dog. We started him on antibiotics just in case.
Yikes Katie! I am sorry. I hope you are ok.
Next time.... Kick it! :)
I can't believe you got bit! Sad! That is horrible. If you see her again I think you should go bite HER! Hope you are okay.
You need to get a picture of Nate on his rollerblades, stalking this lady...that is hillarious!
That is shocking and so wrong. If you see her tomorrow say something. Good luck though it is always hard to say something when confrontation comes up. I am a little worried to go out myself now. I will look for you too and if I see her I will say something.
That is awful!! I am with Nate. I would be so ticked!! Katie, I'm sure you were just so shocked you didn't know what to do!! What an eeeevil lady!! jk. I would get a shot. That totally sucks though.
WHAT THE!!!! You were bleeding! I can't beleive that.. I don't know what I would have done...Are you okay? I don't know if I'd get a rabies shot. I have no advice. I only have sympathy for you!!
Katie o my goodness that is awful! But no rabies shot unless you find out you have to. It isn't just one, it is a series and I don't think they are fun (not that a shot ever is)! I would send Nate back though and get her vets info just to be sure. Good for you running! I am impressed! I wish you were here or I was there to run with I would have kicked that dog off the trail and hopefully off a cliff! I hate yapper bitters!
I think you should kick the dog then kick the other dog then kick the lady... seriously?... I honestly can't believe the lady. I'm with you though, I wouldn't have had ANY IDEA what to say or do. Let me know if you go get "the shot", I heard they aren't so fun!
I can't believe you got bit by a dog! That is horrible! And you were bleeding! Dumb dog and dumb lady! All she said was she was sorry and he's had his shots? Have you seen the lady again? And last question...did you figure out if you should get a shot or not? I hear they are beasty and hurt more than normal shots. I am excited you are making a birth announcement for Addie! Thanks for doing that! It's going to be so cute! I am excited! My email is kpack04@hotmail.com.
You can check to see if the dog has his rabies shot on his tags. Usually they have a heart shaped tag hanging from their neck that says they have the vaccine. I hope this doesn't make you hate dogs! We already have enough dog haters in our family, Dexter will never bite you I promise. Good luck sorry you got bitten!
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