Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stuck Inside with the phone book!

The other day we got a new phone book delivered. Why do we still get phone books? I wonder this every time we get them. I usually then proceed to the garbage with it and feel a little guilty for just throwing it away. Why do people still waste their money on advertising in the phone book. Doesn't everybody just look online now days?
Anyways, the day we got it, it was cold outside and we were bored inside. I told the boys they could have it- and they were so excited. They kept asking me "really? We can do whatever we want with it?" YEP! Have at it!! So, for the next hour, they entertained themselves. They had scissors out, had tearing contests, and made a HUGE mess. But they had fun and then cleaned it all up when they were done!
I guess that is kind of like recycling, right?


Charlotte said...

Hey Katie, that is a perfect idea. I put mine right in the trash, Dang!

Whitney said...

Who knew a phone book could be so fun!

Elisabeth said...

Seriously. And why do they give us like two or three every year. I can't think of the last time I used mine. I had Dale take the one to the recycling bin, dang!

Thank you for coming to Drew's baptism. We love your cute family.

Kassie said...


Darcy said...

You scored cool mom points with that one!!

Naoma said...

That is AWESOME!! They probably were in heaven!

Nielson said...

What a fun idea! Bridger would be in heaven too--I'll have to remember that. But, would he really clean it up??? :)

Sam and Shauna said...

Kids have such great imaginations. If only we could make boring things like a phone book fun!

Ashley K. said...

So funny. I love your cute cabinets in the back too!