Sunday, January 18, 2009


Natalie and I have this thing we do, where we make faces at each other. She'll just randomly say to me, "mom, let's do faces!" So, we do! I took some pics of her doing her side of the faces the other day.


Kassie said...

I want to see your face too!

Kirsti said...

She's getting to be such a big girl. I can't believe she (and Carson) will be 3 shortly! As a side note, your cabinets make a great back drop.

Naoma said...

Any face on her is adorable! I agree that we should see your faces too.

Marti said...

So darling! I love little girls and their funny dramatic faces.

Fun cabinets, too!

Lindz said...

She is so cute! She looks like such a big girl...she's losing that baby look! Oh and by the way...I love the cabinets!! =) When we get a house here, I am TOTALLY copying you!!

Ashley K. said...

She is arorable Kate... so big!Love the cabinets too!!!

Lindsey @ Scarlett James Design said...

Hmmm people seem to like your cabinets.... Has Nate read these?

Sam and Shauna said...

Cute pics! Natalie is so much fun. Are those with your new camera?

Jacy said...

She is so cute!! Love those faces!