Warning: If you see a lady running on the trail with 2 loose little dogs- be very afraid!!
This morning while I was out running, enjoying the sun coming up over the mountains, along came a lady and her dogs! They were little dogs, and not on a leash. I just kept going trying to ignore them as they came up to me yapping like crazy! The little white dog came up behind me and BIT ME on the back of my leg!! I stopped and couldn't believe it just did that. The lady came up and I said "Your dog just bit me!" She came and looked and said "I am so sorry. He has never done that before. Don't worry, he has had all of his shots!" I really didn't say much else and casually went on my way!! DUH!! What was I thinking? It totally hurt as I started walking, and decided to run home as fast as I could so the pain wouldn't last as long.
While I am running, I am thinking, should I go back and follow the lady? What if she was lying and he really hasn't had his shots? I don't have dogs and don't know- do most dogs get their shots for rabies or whatever other diseases they can spread? When I got home, and told Nate what happened, he was of course ticked that I didn't do anything about it! He was great and got out the hydrogen peroxide, and wiped up all the blood. He then got on his roller-blades- yes roller-blades, on went on a hunt for 'the lady with the dogs!' He is my 'Blading Super Hero!' He wanted to get her name and info, like I should have, and we could have reported it. He came back unsuccessful. He claims he is going to camp out on the trail for an hour every morning until she comes by! Yea Right!
Things I learned today!
I need to be better prepared for attacking dogs while running. Even if they are just little yapping dogs!
I need to be better at thinking on my feet when I am surprised attacked!
I don't want to get a dog!
Still not sure if I should go get a rabies shot??
And if I run into her tomorrow on the trail, do I stop and say something, just kick the dog, or pass on by like I don't know her- and be prepared to kick the dog if he comes near?