Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Campout of the Year!

We had our ward campout over the weekend.  It was freezing cold, but we had a lot of fun.  We camped at a dairy farm!  We set up our tents on a big grassy area right next to the 'moo-ing' cows.  The kids loved it!  There were so many fun things to do.  Nate drove the 'tractor' pulling the kids around in a little train.  There was a zip line, a huge tire swing, a circus rocket ride, and a rope swing.  The kids were entertained the whole time despite the rain and wind.  It was  a long night for Nate and I, but the kids stayed warm and slept through it all.  They were up as soon as the sun was!  I have had wash to do ever since, and been trying to catch up on sleep, but it was well worth the memories. 


Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 110  Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 147    Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 123Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 114Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 154Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 158Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 103 Ward Campout, aaron's B-Day 120


Lindz said...

What cute pics!! The one of you & Nat is adorable!! You don't even look cold & miserable in that pic at all! =)

Charlotte said...

That looks so fun! We are jealous, even though it was cold!

suzanne campbell said...

I agree that picture of you and Nat is so precious. what a fun campout love Suzanne

Nielson said...

I love those pictures, they are adorable. The campout was a lot of fun--I have to agree--just wish I would have remembered my camera!

Marti said...

What a fun family memory! You are a good mom to make it through that night in a tent. I think somehow I would have ended up in the car! I LOVE the picture with you and Nat.

Ashley K. said...

You are Gorgeous... (in case you forgot!) I miss you... what a fun camp out. Call me! Are you mad at me?

Naoma said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! Your pictures are so fun. We have missed out on it both years so far! Oh well maybe next time...