and I'll cry if I want to.
Olivia turned one! I tried taking a picture in the same spot I did her newborns, but it didn't turn out so well.
She did wake up a much happier girl. She usually does wake up happy. I hear her in her room just gabbing and playing with her binky. I think she secretly tries to stay in her crib as long as possible because it's the only place she gets her binky.
Liv's favorite place to be is outside. She begs me to take her out there all day long. Looking forward to warmer days!
She isn't quite walking yet, but close. She takes a few steps here and there.
I love this picture of her chubbe little fingers reaching for the camera.
She loved her new stroller.
Great Grandma and Grandpa Delahunty always send a card and a dollar.
Olivia is one smart little girl. I often feel like she wants to tell me so much and is frustrated that I don't understand her. She knows her animal sounds ie. doggy, duck, bird, cat, monkey, and dinosaur. She signs more, please, and drink. She sings "Ma Ma, Oooh ooh oooh oooh!" She loves giving high fives and open mouthed kisses. She says "Hi, Wow, Eoooh, momma, dadda, treat, thanks." She nods yes and no and is a good little dancer if you ask!
Olivia's 12 month Stats
Length: 29in. 39%
Weight: 19# 8oz 18%
Head Circ: 46.5 83%
Happy Birthday Baby girl!
Happy Birthday! I can't believe she is already 1! WOW! And that is the cutest picture with her big tears!! Zoe was the same way and was the best little "sleeper" AKA "stayed in her crib as long as possible just to suck on her binky"! Wish we could see you guys more often!
I can't believe she's one already!! She is soooo darn cute! And her room looks amazing- those walls are super cute.
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