Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Great Grandma and Grandpa Blair

My Grandma and Grandpa Blair came to visit and it was fun to take the kids to see them.  Whenever I sing my to my kids songs like "Gallump went the Little Green Frog One Day",  "I've Been Workin On the Railroad", or "The Skunk Song" I think of them.  My Grandpa just recently stopped substituting kindergarten classes and isn't my Grandma still beautiful.  I am grateful for the good Genes!

Nat's Pajama Glam Party

We invited some of Nat's friends for a glamorous girly party complete with feather boas, tutus, and ribbon wands!
We played musical pillows, the skittle game,
 did a little Kareoke Disney style,
 Opened lots of fun presents,
 Nate and Kara
 Emma and Nat
 Mylee and Nat
 Brooklyn and Nat
 Then we played 'Strike a Pose'

I love you my little glamorous Natalie!
Here are a few Things about Natalie at 5 years:
Favorite food:  Mac and Cheese
Favorite Movie: Princess and the Frog
Favorite Tv Show:  Phineas and Pherb
Favorite Thing to do:  Play Barbies with my friends
She loves to work out with mom, and loves when she gets to go to work with dad. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our Birthday Girl

Natalie turned 5!YAY for her!  She has been counting down the days to her birthday for quite some time.  We woke up bright and early to open presents before daddy left to work.  She was most excited about her Fancy Nancy doll, and her family of barbies which included a little boy and a little girl. 
She chose Lucky Charms for breakfast and Mcdonalds for lunch.  It wasn't the healthiest of days, but she LOVED it!  She also helped me decorate her cupcakes for her class.      

I love that she wanted to wear her pink tutu all day that grandma Linda gave her.  I love you Natalie and am grateful to have you in our family.  You are such a good big sister to Olivia and I know she can't wait to be able to play dolls with you and not just eat them!  I love that you want to eat oatmeal for breakfast almost every day and would be happy with a diet of mac and cheese, top ramen, and grapefruit.  I am excited for you to go to Kindergarten this year and be at school with your brothers.  Thank you for reminding us to have morning devotional every day and and for having such a special spirit. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

11 Months and...

is almost walking,
has 3 teeth
loves to give kisses (with her mouth open),
says "cracka (cracker), momma, dadda, doga (doggie),"
& she melts her daddy's heart!     

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Day at Our House...

Looks like this:
My Christmas Amaryllis that Nate sent me in the beginning of December, finally bloomed!  
It is So Beautiful and HUGE!

a yummy, yummy, heart cookie

lots and lots of valentines
Olivia DISCOVERED some unprotected valentines and and I just couldn't say no!  

A big balloon!  I was awakened with breakfast in bed and this big balloon from my kids!  I had great intentions of getting up before them and making them a yummy valentine's day breakfast- but they literally beat me to it!  It was so sweet.  Cereal, yogurt, and a banana!  (I did make up for my sleepiness and made pink heart pancakes and eggs)

dipping strawberries in Chocolate.  Nate brought home chocolate and strawberries so we could dip our own.  It was so much fun and 
a bit MESSY!
Hope your LOVE day was as beautiful, yummy, and fun as ours!
p.s  thanks Nate for being the LOVE of my Life!  I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

100 Days

The kids reached 100 days at school on Friday.  Nick dressed up as an old man!  He was so funny about making his mouth all wrinkled.  I guess it is the 'denture' look.