Friday, February 27, 2009

More Snow

We have been having so much fun these last few days with the sunny- Utah warm weather (in the 50's!) When Mckay looked outside this morning and was assaulted by snow on the ground, he started to cry! First meltdown of the day at 7 am! Poor thing thinks we will never have sun again.
I love the excitement on his face in this picture as he is running down to the ocean for the first time when we were in Newport. Ohhh to live in sunny California!


Lindsey @ Scarlett James Design said...

WOW K8 I love it!!!! Your blog is amazing!! You are so talented! Love all the new posts too. Looks like you guys mades some memories that will last Forever. :)

Kirsti said...

Oh poor McKay. I can definitely relate.

Cherish said...

I felt like having a meltdown too! BURRR!!! I'm so ready for springtime.

Kelly said...

Hi Katie! WOW it looks like you guys have had a great year so far!! Nat's Grandparent's are right, they only stay little for a verry short time so enjoy it why you can!! Your princess is so cute!! And your boy's sound like they are doing what every little boy should do! We would love to get together somtime for a game night or somthing, you guy's take care Lot's of Love Jim, Kelly & J.D.