Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

 It was such a beautiful Easter Sunday.  The tulips were blooming, the grass is turning green, and the sun was shining.  We were together as a family and that was perfect.  I am so grateful for My Savior who died for me and then rose from the dead that we might live again too after death. 

 Thanks to Linds for finding me this dress and bringing it to the hospital to me!  Cash and I didn't actually go to church in our new Easter clothes, but we had to dress up for some pictures. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A little Hospital Stay

 Cash got Viral Pneumonia and was having a hard time breathing.  We took him into the hospital for some oxygen and a couple more breathing treatments.  We ended up staying the night and almost two nights.  At the last minute we decided to go home so we could all be together for Easter.  We had to take oxygen home with us to help him breath.  He quickly recovered though and is now up and running.  I am so grateful for all the nurses and Doctors that helped him and were so sweet with him.  He was pretty busy and not easy to keep entertained in the little room and in bed for 2 days.  I feel blessed that this was just a little trip to the hospital!
He was not so happy to have the oxygen in his nose.  He hates it when he has just a little snot!  He got pretty used to it though after a bit.  
 The cafeteria made him a smoothie!  He got to eat and drink whatever he wanted so we could keep him hydrated.
We played cars in bed, play-doh, watched Finding Nemo about 10 times, blew bubbles, danced, listened to music and sang songs, colored, played with stuffed animals.  

 This is him trying to get the oxygen off his face! I let him do it at this point!
 So fun when daddy came to visit.  We missed the Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's house and daddy brought Cash his bucket full of surprises from Grandma.
He got pretty good and blowing the Pinwheel.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's

Cash and I had to miss the Easter Egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's since he was still in the 
 hospital.  Nate got the rest of the kids ready for pics and even attempted a braid in Olivia's hair. 


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Break in St. George

A few days before Spring Break actually started, we
decided we wanted to go somewhere for Spring Break.  We quickly found a house with a pool,
and 4 moms, 17 kids drove down and spent a few days in St. George.  It was a blast!  
The kids swam for hours each day and night.  The boys spent hours lizard hunting.
Cash got a lot more comfortable with his floaty.
The sun felt so good!
Liv is a little fish!  and getting a little too brave.
We went to the Sand Dunes in Snow Canyon again.  Such a beautiful place.

Cash and cute little Franky
Mckay figured out he could do an awesome back flip down the hill.  WOW!  So cool!
Love this shot!

The girls got buried and became Murmaids.

The kids getting ready to run down the hill....
Ready, Set, Go!

Mckenna was so good to play with Liv and Cash.

Liv jumped off the diving board over and over!

I love how swimming will wipe the kids out!
 We went and did a little hiking and Pioneer Park.  The kids couldn't wait to get back to the swimming pool!  We had one minor pocket knife experience and a few stitches while hiking and might have looked like we were on parade with all the whining and crying!

 Marley and Nick showing us the Lizard

The moms that survived the week
Anna, Lindsey, Sinika, and me
Such a fun group of kids!  Maybe we can talk the dads into coming with us next time!