A few days before Spring Break actually started, we
decided we wanted to go somewhere for Spring Break. We quickly found a house with a pool,
and 4 moms, 17 kids drove down and spent a few days in St. George. It was a blast!
The kids swam for hours each day and night. The boys spent hours lizard hunting.
Cash got a lot more comfortable with his floaty.
The sun felt so good!
Liv is a little fish! and getting a little too brave.
We went to the Sand Dunes in Snow Canyon again. Such a beautiful place.
Cash and cute little Franky
Mckay figured out he could do an awesome back flip down the hill. WOW! So cool!
Love this shot!
The girls got buried and became Murmaids.
The kids getting ready to run down the hill....
Ready, Set, Go!
Mckenna was so good to play with Liv and Cash.
Liv jumped off the diving board over and over!
I love how swimming will wipe the kids out!
We went and did a little hiking and Pioneer Park. The kids couldn't wait to get back to the swimming pool! We had one minor pocket knife experience and a few stitches while hiking and might have looked like we were on parade with all the whining and crying!
Marley and Nick showing us the Lizard
The moms that survived the week
Anna, Lindsey, Sinika, and me
Such a fun group of kids! Maybe we can talk the dads into coming with us next time!