This is the excitement on our way to California! We took Shoshanna with us and loved having her.
Live loved the pool especially with her floaty on. Nick was so good to help
out with Cash.
We loved these cool flowers we found. They reminded us of The Lorax.
The girls playing in the Sandbox.
And Mckay playing too!
Nothing better than a bunch of balls rolling around to chase!
Natalie doesn't love the beach, but tolerates it with us. She hates the sand getting all over her!
Olivia loves to play and could stay all day!
Sho in front of our favorite Beach House from the movie "Beaches".
We met some friends down at Huntington Beach.
We spent a day down at La Jolla. We love to see the Sea Lions and the views!
I had to include these pics, though I would rather forget this part. Liv threw up all over on the way back. What to do when a car seat is destroyed and you are on vacation? You have to find a dumpster to throw it in and make a quick stop at the nearest Costco.
I love the concern on Nate's face. Olivia is such a daddy's girl. She often tells me she is going to tell dad on me when she gets in trouble.
She quickly recovered and was off to the pool again with her brother.
Natalie, Sho, and I went on a little shopping adventure down in Laguna.