Friday, January 22, 2010

New Puppy & New Goals

Having a new puppy at our house has been so much fun, and a lot of work. I feel like I am constantly telling the kids to leave Chewy alone. They love him a little too much. I hope that this isn't telling of what is to come with our new baby. Hopefully she won't be as fun to tease until she is older can handle it! Natalie loves to take Chewy on walks. Luckily he is small enough that she can hold onto him.
So I started this year out with the goal to do a blog post once a week. I haven't kept up with that goal, and a a few others! I finally printed our blog books from 2007 and 2008 and they are pretty thick. Our 2009 book isn't going to be so big! I was a little lax at posting last year. Hopefully the excitement of a new baby and watching her grow will be enough to post about this year. I am on the countdown with this pregnancy. About 8 weeks left and I am feeling pretty good. I am just large! I was realizing today that I have a lot to do before the baby comes. Still need to get a new car-seat and stroller, diapers, wipes, diaper bag. I kind of feel like we are starting over again and it is kind of fun! I am so excited to have a newborn around again. Now if we could just decide on a name!!


Lindz said...

I love your new goal of posting once a week!! =) Cuz I love reading up on you guys! I can't believe you only have 8 weeks to go...YAY!! Oh and who do you print your blog books through?? I am thinking about doing mine, but haven't yet!! Let me know!! =)

Jules P Hansen said...

Yes I was too wondering who you printed your blog book through! Congrats on the new little girl. It sounds like we are due the same time!

Sam and Shauna said...

I can't believe you only have 8 weeks left! The pictures of Natalie and chewy are soooo cute. We need to come visit I miss you guys.

Kate said...

Lindsay and Julie-I use to print my blog books. You can upload your blog through them and it is pretty easy. and Julie- congrats! That is exciting!