Nate's family has a tradition of throwing a shower for the 'man' who is getting married. This time the them was Scottish for Scott. It is always fun to sit back and let the boys show off their skills! Linda went all out in the planning. She made kilts for all the boys to wear that matched for each family- or team. There were 8 competition games for the boys to send their best competitor in for the challenge.
The boys had a tug-of-war,

root beer chug-(which was disgusting!),

a log throw,

a handstand contest, (way to go Sam and Aaron!)

and a golfing competition. In the end, Nate's cousin Scott came out playing a
Scottish jig on his bagpipes!

Very impressive. We had a great time! Oh yea, you ask if Nate is wearing a bow in his head? Yep, I guess he figured since his mom was making him wear a skirt, he might as well wear a bow in his head too! In the end, they had a dance off- and I have to say that I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.