Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bradley Family Hunt

Delahunty Easter Egg Hunt

We had the first Easter Egg Hunt of the season at Chris and Camille's house. 

Chris was the bunny who provided lots and lots of eggs!

Cassidy and Natalie after the hunt.

Shauna and Natalie.

Olivia was so Happy to have an egg and get to eat Candy!

Mckay and uncle Mckie

Nick with his loot! 

Mckie, Andy, and Nate

Friday, April 22, 2011

Loving Spring Weather

We are loving this warmer weather and the tulips that are out! 

She LOVES it!

 Olivia begs every day for Mckay to take her on a ride.  She loves every minute of it and is full of smiles the entire ride.  The only problem is she screams when she has to get off!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rain Rain go Away

 Come again Another day! Or not!

We are hoping that April showers really do bring May flowers.  Looking forward to warmer days!